Darlene Tobin

Darlene Tobin

Darlene Tobin Annual Pix Caption
Darlene 2014..

Darlene (Tobin) Mowery

Mailing Address:

25401 Country Meadows Ln
Kennewick, WA 99338

Phone: (509) 528-0574

Spouse: Barry Mowery


Kimberly (1966) Mine
James (1972) His
Todd (1973) His
Matt (1979) His
Cindy (1981) His

Grand-Kids: 11

2014 Reunion News: My mother Dee Sullivan passed away in 2011 at age 93. My stepdad Frank (Sully) Sullivan died last summer 2013 at age 90. Barry and I now have 10 grandchildren ages 19 years old to 6 months.

I have been retired for over four years now and enjoy traveling in my little RV with friends and family. My husband is looking forward to retirement in the next year or two. Then we plan to sell the farm and move to the TriCities, buy a toy hauler and start traveling together.

Update June 17, 2009

Past highlights: I did it!! I retired from teaching HS art this June, bought a little Winnebago motorhome, a Cabo timeshare, and I am ready to see what this new life has to offer.

Future Plans: I plan to stay healthy, enjoy our children, grandkids (we have 9 between us), and parents. My mother, Dee (91), and stepdad, Frank Sullivan (Sully 86) live in nearby Kennewick as do Barry's parents. I plan to travel and see as much of the world as possible, remodel and update our home, keep my younger husband healthy and working (he plans to work 8 more years) in our orchard of apples and cherries.

2004 Reunion News:

Past highlights: Still teaching H.S. art-30 years now! Great art trips with Janet Hein-NY, Italy, France and Spain. Ross-my new grandson (finally!!), born January in NY City, so travel there frequently.

Future Plans: Retirement, retirement, retirement! Stay healthy, travel more, dance more, and play more.

30 Year Reunion 1994

Spouse's Name: Barry
Current residence: Bento City WA
Occupation: Art Teacher
Spouse's Occupation: Farmer
Family: Kim 28; James 22; Todd 21; Matt 15; Cindy 13.
Number of grandchildren: 0
Places lived in the last 10 years: Moved here from McCall ID 10 years ago.
Hobbies and other interests: Golf, skiing, going to movies.
Plans or goals for the next 10 years: I'll have my masters degree by this summer, finish remodeling our home, buy new furniture for it, vacation as much as possible.
Major highlights of the last 10 years: 10 years ago I moved to Benton City to teach at the high school, met and married Barry nearly 9 years ago, acquired for new step-children, got my 5th year and my masters degree. Barry has taken over the family orchard (apples and cherries), so we've got even more responsibilities and more to learn.
Other News:

20 Year Reunion 1984

Current residence of record: McCall ID

10 Year Reunion 1974

Spouse's Name: Tom Haynes
Current residence: Boise ID
Occupation: Art Teacher
Spouse's Occupation: Cabinet Builder
Family: Kimberly 8.
Attended LCSC, UofI and graduated from Boise State University with a degree in Bachelor of Arts. Am now teaching art at Jefferson Jr High in Caldwell.

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