Deanna Hughes

Deanna Hughes
Deanna Hughes Annual Pix Caption
Deanna 2014..

Deanna (Hughes) Parker

Mailing Address:

1226 McCarroll
Clarkston, WA 99403-2832

Phone: 509-552-1562

Spouse: Richard Parker


Caitlin (1971)
Timothy (1974)


Bryn (1999)
Ryan (2000)
Josephine (2002)
Dylan (2003)
Owen (2003)

2014 Reunion News:

In the last 50 years since high school, I have worked for and worked as the following:

I worked at a variety of interesting, and some not so interesting jobs-as a nursery school teacher, doing a traveling "History in a Trunk" program in the Lewiston schools for the local Historical Society, as a childbirth educator for over 20 years and as a OB/GYN nurse for 14 years. I was fortunate enough to be a "kept woman" while our children were small. Since retiring from gainful employment in 1997, I have enjoyed caring for my grandchildren, working with Master Gardeners, and most recently, starting a small business called Rowan Tree Studios handcrafting jewelry. Oh. dear...I'm sure Mrs. Peterson would have something to say about my punctuation!

I did retire in 1997.

2004 Reunion News:

Past highlights: Became a poster child for the unplanned (but not unexamined) life. Can't really say that retirement is any sort of "highlight" tho it does give us more time to enjoy these terrific grandchildren.

Future Plans: To ask the right questions and try to hear the answers when they come.

30 Year Reunion 1994

Spouse's Name: Richard
Current residence: Clarkston
Occupation: OB/GYN Nurse
Spouse's Occupation: Firefighter
Family: Caitlin 23; Timothy 20.
Number of grandchildren: 0
Places lived in the last 10 years: Clarkston
Hobbies and other interests: Gardening, motorcycles, reading, thinking, perfecting the theory and practice and practice of procrastination.
Plans or goals for the next 10 years: Survival.
Major highlights of the last 10 years: Daughter's wedding, graduations, various motorcycle journeys.

20 Year Reunion 1984 No input

10 Year Reunion 1974

Spouse's Name:
Current residence: Lewiston ID
Occupation: Housewife
Spouse's Occupation: Firefighter
Family: Caitlin 3½.
1964-66 UofI, married Feb 11 1966. Feb-Sept 1966 lived on Oregon Coast; Nov 1966-Jul 1967 in Long Branch NJ; moved to Panama City Panama in Nov 1967. Returned to Lewiston fall of 1969. Taught nursery school for a year. Now being what my husband calls his "social, educational, home maintenance coordinator."

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