Lewiston High School

Where have all the classmates gone?

Do you know if there is one of our classmates living down the street from you? The links below will bring up a map of where many of our classmates currently reside. For example, the webguy found two classmates live across town in Phoenix. The map is intended to be a snapshot of those with known addresses at the time it was created. (Last update 7/2023) Some helpful hints on using the application are located at the bottom of this page.

To bring up the application,
HERE for those still living in the Lewiston/Clarkston area
or click HERE to see those living out side the immediate area.

Lewiston Idaho, Class of 1964-Class Reunion

Search the LHS 1964 website.

The application has two primary screen parts, the map and the data side bar.

The map screen navigation:

To move around the map, simply hold the left mouse button and move the mouse to center any location.

To zoom in or out, the slider (+ or - buttons) on the left part of the map allows enlarging or reducing the viewing area.

Clicking a map icon with the mouse pointer on that icon (pointer should change to a finger) will bring up info on that location. Depending on the individual location, the application may even provide APPROXIMATE street level viewing of that location. You may drag the street level window around to look in various directions.

The Data Side Bar usage:

The individuals located on the map view are included in the side bar in the order they were entered (alphabetical to begin with, additions will be at the end if more are added). Choosing a name should bring up the location of that individual.

The map is not listed as a public map so without the specific internet address of this personal map, search engines should not be able to find it.

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