Carol Akerman

The Bengal's Purr, November 8, 1963,

Miss Akerman New To LHS

"The two most important things I wish to have my students develop is a true appreciation of literature and a greater command of the English language and then being able to apply these ideas on paper," said Miss Carol Akerman, junior English teacher.

Miss Akerman, who attended Washing State University and graduated from the University of Idaho last year, has five classes with approximately 150 students.

The English major and French minor, whose home town is Coeur d'Alene, feels most students are interested in some area of literature.

Miss Akerman found teaching just as she expected it to be. She enjoys teaching very much; however, her pet peeve in the classroom is inattention.

She enjoys swimming, bridge and music. Future plans include a trip to California this summer where she will attend school or vacation.

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