Criss Starnes

Criss Starnes
Criss Starnes Annual Pix Caption
Chris 2014..

Criss (Starnes) Peterson

Mailing Address:

3508 8th St
Lewiston, ID 83501-5017

Phone: 208-305-3401

Spouse: John Peterson


William McVay (1967)
Melissa McVay (1970)
Leigh Peterson (1978)
James Peterson (1984)
Samantha Peterson (1986)

Grand-Kids: 9 (2 mine, 7 John's)

2014 Reunion News:

In the last 50 years since high school, I have worked for and worked as the following:

Lewiston School District
Lapwai School District

I did retire and now keep busy camping, grandchildren, gardening. Mom had a stroke in Junew 2013, been looking to her needs since.

2004 Reunion News:

Past highlights: Had my first grandson-the rest are granddaughters.

Future Plans: Moving in the next few months, traveling, and playing with the grandkids.

From 30 year reunion book30 Year Reunion 1994

Spouse's Name: John
Current residence: Lewiston ID
Occupation: Set Up Class 5/Blount.
Spouse's Occupation: Independent Insurance.
Family: William McVay 27; Melissa McVay 24; Leigh Peterson 16; James Peterson 10; Samantha Peterson 8.
Number of grandchildren: 3
Places lived in the last 10 years: Lewiston
Hobbies and other interests: Grandbabies, camping, grandbabies, rafting, and did I mention grandbabies?
Plans or goals for the next 10 years: Make money, retire, enjoy life.
Major highlights of the last 10 years: We got married in 1988 on my parent's 43rd wedding anniversary in their fabulous garden! I say we, because as many of you know when you get married a second time, your kids, his kids and the rest of the world are involved. We have 5 kids and 2 beautiful granddaughters and 1 grandson.

From 20 year reunion book20 Year Reunion 1984

Current residence: Lewiston ID
Occupation: Student and Omark
Family: William J Jr 18; Melissa (Lisa) 14.
I am a senior at LCSC, majoring in education and management. I teach calligraphy and art in the elementary schools and at LC when I have the time. The kids and I are outdoor people-love to camp, fish, water ski and play in the sun.

10 Year Reunion 1974

Spouse's Name: Bill McVay
Current residence: Moses Lake WA
Occupation: Secretary, Housewife
Spouse's Occupation: Air Traffic Control Specialist
Family: William Jr 8; Melissa 4.
I married Bill on Oct 1964 and moved to Great Falls MT where Bill was stationed in the Air Force. In 1967 Bill joined the FAA and we moved to Moses Lake. I'm a secretary at Big Bend Community College. At times I have gone to BBCC as a full time student. We're and outdoor family. We fish, camp, water ski and anything else we can with the outdoors. As of August 4, due to transfer we will again live in Lewiston while Bill works at the new tower there.

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