James Carlson

James Carlson

James Carlson Annual Pix Caption
Jim 2014..

James Carlson

Mailing Address:

116 West 127 St, #1
New York, NY 10027

Phone: 617-852-7490

Spouse: Nicole Guillemet

2014 Reunion News:

In the last 50 years since high school, I have worked for and worked as the following:

Assistant professor, Stanford University, Brandeis University; professor, University of Utah; president, Clay Mathematics Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

I did officially retire in 2012 and now keep busy doing mathematics research, playing piano and composing music, computer programming, raising my son, now 13 years old.

2004 Reunion News:

Past highlights: 7 years chairman of the Math Department at the University of Utah; Clay Institute in Cambridge, MA for last 2 years.

Future Plans: Health, love and peace in the world.

30 Year Reunion 1994

Current residence on file: Salt Lake City UT

20 Year Reunion 1984

Spouse's Name: Nicole Guillement
Current residence: Salt Lake City UT
Occupation: Professor of Mathematics
After graduating from the University of Idaho I went to Princeton for a PhD in Mathematics, then went to California and Massachusetts for two years each, and finally settled in Salt Lake City. Since last September I have been a the University of Paris, on sabbatical leave. My wife-a French native-and I will return to the States in August. Sorry to miss the reunion.

10 Year Reunion 1974 No input

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